/** * @license * Cesium - https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium * Version 1.95 * * Copyright 2011-2022 Cesium Contributors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Columbus View (Pat. Pend.) * * Portions licensed separately. * See https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium/blob/main/LICENSE.md for full licensing details. */ define(['exports', './Matrix2-9e1c22e2', './defaultValue-97284df2', './RuntimeError-4f8ec8a2', './Transforms-273eeb44', './ComponentDatatype-4eeb6d9b'], (function (exports, Matrix2, defaultValue, RuntimeError, Transforms, ComponentDatatype) { 'use strict'; const cos = Math.cos; const sin = Math.sin; const sqrt = Math.sqrt; /** * @private */ const RectangleGeometryLibrary = {}; /** * @private */ RectangleGeometryLibrary.computePosition = function ( computedOptions, ellipsoid, computeST, row, col, position, st ) { const radiiSquared = ellipsoid.radiiSquared; const nwCorner = computedOptions.nwCorner; const rectangle = computedOptions.boundingRectangle; let stLatitude = nwCorner.latitude - computedOptions.granYCos * row + col * computedOptions.granXSin; const cosLatitude = cos(stLatitude); const nZ = sin(stLatitude); const kZ = radiiSquared.z * nZ; let stLongitude = nwCorner.longitude + row * computedOptions.granYSin + col * computedOptions.granXCos; const nX = cosLatitude * cos(stLongitude); const nY = cosLatitude * sin(stLongitude); const kX = radiiSquared.x * nX; const kY = radiiSquared.y * nY; const gamma = sqrt(kX * nX + kY * nY + kZ * nZ); position.x = kX / gamma; position.y = kY / gamma; position.z = kZ / gamma; if (computeST) { const stNwCorner = computedOptions.stNwCorner; if (defaultValue.defined(stNwCorner)) { stLatitude = stNwCorner.latitude - computedOptions.stGranYCos * row + col * computedOptions.stGranXSin; stLongitude = stNwCorner.longitude + row * computedOptions.stGranYSin + col * computedOptions.stGranXCos; st.x = (stLongitude - computedOptions.stWest) * computedOptions.lonScalar; st.y = (stLatitude - computedOptions.stSouth) * computedOptions.latScalar; } else { st.x = (stLongitude - rectangle.west) * computedOptions.lonScalar; st.y = (stLatitude - rectangle.south) * computedOptions.latScalar; } } }; const rotationMatrixScratch = new Matrix2.Matrix2(); let nwCartesian = new Matrix2.Cartesian3(); const centerScratch = new Matrix2.Cartographic(); let centerCartesian = new Matrix2.Cartesian3(); const proj = new Transforms.GeographicProjection(); function getRotationOptions( nwCorner, rotation, granularityX, granularityY, center, width, height ) { const cosRotation = Math.cos(rotation); const granYCos = granularityY * cosRotation; const granXCos = granularityX * cosRotation; const sinRotation = Math.sin(rotation); const granYSin = granularityY * sinRotation; const granXSin = granularityX * sinRotation; nwCartesian = proj.project(nwCorner, nwCartesian); nwCartesian = Matrix2.Cartesian3.subtract(nwCartesian, centerCartesian, nwCartesian); const rotationMatrix = Matrix2.Matrix2.fromRotation(rotation, rotationMatrixScratch); nwCartesian = Matrix2.Matrix2.multiplyByVector( rotationMatrix, nwCartesian, nwCartesian ); nwCartesian = Matrix2.Cartesian3.add(nwCartesian, centerCartesian, nwCartesian); nwCorner = proj.unproject(nwCartesian, nwCorner); width -= 1; height -= 1; const latitude = nwCorner.latitude; const latitude0 = latitude + width * granXSin; const latitude1 = latitude - granYCos * height; const latitude2 = latitude - granYCos * height + width * granXSin; const north = Math.max(latitude, latitude0, latitude1, latitude2); const south = Math.min(latitude, latitude0, latitude1, latitude2); const longitude = nwCorner.longitude; const longitude0 = longitude + width * granXCos; const longitude1 = longitude + height * granYSin; const longitude2 = longitude + height * granYSin + width * granXCos; const east = Math.max(longitude, longitude0, longitude1, longitude2); const west = Math.min(longitude, longitude0, longitude1, longitude2); return { north: north, south: south, east: east, west: west, granYCos: granYCos, granYSin: granYSin, granXCos: granXCos, granXSin: granXSin, nwCorner: nwCorner, }; } /** * @private */ RectangleGeometryLibrary.computeOptions = function ( rectangle, granularity, rotation, stRotation, boundingRectangleScratch, nwCornerResult, stNwCornerResult ) { let east = rectangle.east; let west = rectangle.west; let north = rectangle.north; let south = rectangle.south; let northCap = false; let southCap = false; if (north === ComponentDatatype.CesiumMath.PI_OVER_TWO) { northCap = true; } if (south === -ComponentDatatype.CesiumMath.PI_OVER_TWO) { southCap = true; } let dx; const dy = north - south; if (west > east) { dx = ComponentDatatype.CesiumMath.TWO_PI - west + east; } else { dx = east - west; } const width = Math.ceil(dx / granularity) + 1; const height = Math.ceil(dy / granularity) + 1; const granularityX = dx / (width - 1); const granularityY = dy / (height - 1); const nwCorner = Matrix2.Rectangle.northwest(rectangle, nwCornerResult); const center = Matrix2.Rectangle.center(rectangle, centerScratch); if (rotation !== 0 || stRotation !== 0) { if (center.longitude < nwCorner.longitude) { center.longitude += ComponentDatatype.CesiumMath.TWO_PI; } centerCartesian = proj.project(center, centerCartesian); } const granYCos = granularityY; const granXCos = granularityX; const granYSin = 0.0; const granXSin = 0.0; const boundingRectangle = Matrix2.Rectangle.clone( rectangle, boundingRectangleScratch ); const computedOptions = { granYCos: granYCos, granYSin: granYSin, granXCos: granXCos, granXSin: granXSin, nwCorner: nwCorner, boundingRectangle: boundingRectangle, width: width, height: height, northCap: northCap, southCap: southCap, }; if (rotation !== 0) { const rotationOptions = getRotationOptions( nwCorner, rotation, granularityX, granularityY, center, width, height ); north = rotationOptions.north; south = rotationOptions.south; east = rotationOptions.east; west = rotationOptions.west; //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug); if ( north < -ComponentDatatype.CesiumMath.PI_OVER_TWO || north > ComponentDatatype.CesiumMath.PI_OVER_TWO || south < -ComponentDatatype.CesiumMath.PI_OVER_TWO || south > ComponentDatatype.CesiumMath.PI_OVER_TWO ) { throw new RuntimeError.DeveloperError( "Rotated rectangle is invalid. It crosses over either the north or south pole." ); } //>>includeEnd('debug') computedOptions.granYCos = rotationOptions.granYCos; computedOptions.granYSin = rotationOptions.granYSin; computedOptions.granXCos = rotationOptions.granXCos; computedOptions.granXSin = rotationOptions.granXSin; boundingRectangle.north = north; boundingRectangle.south = south; boundingRectangle.east = east; boundingRectangle.west = west; } if (stRotation !== 0) { rotation = rotation - stRotation; const stNwCorner = Matrix2.Rectangle.northwest(boundingRectangle, stNwCornerResult); const stRotationOptions = getRotationOptions( stNwCorner, rotation, granularityX, granularityY, center, width, height ); computedOptions.stGranYCos = stRotationOptions.granYCos; computedOptions.stGranXCos = stRotationOptions.granXCos; computedOptions.stGranYSin = stRotationOptions.granYSin; computedOptions.stGranXSin = stRotationOptions.granXSin; computedOptions.stNwCorner = stNwCorner; computedOptions.stWest = stRotationOptions.west; computedOptions.stSouth = stRotationOptions.south; } return computedOptions; }; exports.RectangleGeometryLibrary = RectangleGeometryLibrary; })); //# sourceMappingURL=RectangleGeometryLibrary-93ca0888.js.map