intersectorUtils.svg 5.8 KB

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  8. <text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 281.7227 155.3633)" font-family="'MyriadPro-Regular'" font-size="6">earth radius</text>
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  66. <g>
  67. <g>
  68. <g>
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  85. <text transform="matrix(0.9982 0 0 1 7.3267 20.6519)"><tspan x="0" y="0" fill="#ED1C24" font-family="'MyriadPro-Regular'" font-size="6">transformation at which global offsets are computed is not the true</tspan><tspan x="0" y="7.2" fill="#ED1C24" font-family="'MyriadPro-Regular'" font-size="6">i3s world transformation. The component is moved along world z to</tspan><tspan x="0" y="14.4" fill="#ED1C24" font-family="'MyriadPro-Regular'" font-size="6">the right elevation of the components local origin.</tspan></text>
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  92. </g>
  93. </g>
  94. <text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 167.3262 44.271)" font-family="'MyriadPro-Regular'" font-size="6">world min</text>
  95. <text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 240.1548 16.7446)" font-family="'MyriadPro-Regular'" font-size="6">world max</text>
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