/** * Cesium - https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium * * Copyright 2011-2017 Cesium Contributors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Columbus View (Pat. Pend.) * * Portions licensed separately. * See https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/blob/master/LICENSE.md for full licensing details. */ define(['./when-8d13db60', './Check-70bec281', './Math-61ede240', './Cartographic-fe4be337', './Cartesian2-85064f09', './BoundingSphere-775c5788', './Cartesian4-5af5bb24', './RuntimeError-ba10bc3e', './WebGLConstants-4c11ee5f', './FeatureDetection-7bd32c34', './Transforms-b2e71640', './buildModuleUrl-14bfe498', './AttributeCompression-84a90a13', './IndexDatatype-9435b55f', './IntersectionTests-397d9494', './Plane-8390418f', './createTaskProcessorWorker', './EllipsoidTangentPlane-a815c96f', './OrientedBoundingBox-635e6e10', './Color-69f1845f'], function (when, Check, _Math, Cartographic, Cartesian2, BoundingSphere, Cartesian4, RuntimeError, WebGLConstants, FeatureDetection, Transforms, buildModuleUrl, AttributeCompression, IndexDatatype, IntersectionTests, Plane, createTaskProcessorWorker, EllipsoidTangentPlane, OrientedBoundingBox, Color) { 'use strict'; var scratchCenter = new Cartographic.Cartesian3(); var scratchEllipsoid = new Cartesian2.Ellipsoid(); var scratchRectangle = new Cartesian2.Rectangle(); var scratchScalars = { min : undefined, max : undefined, indexBytesPerElement : undefined }; function unpackBuffer(buffer) { var packedBuffer = new Float64Array(buffer); var offset = 0; scratchScalars.indexBytesPerElement = packedBuffer[offset++]; scratchScalars.min = packedBuffer[offset++]; scratchScalars.max = packedBuffer[offset++]; Cartographic.Cartesian3.unpack(packedBuffer, offset, scratchCenter); offset += Cartographic.Cartesian3.packedLength; Cartesian2.Ellipsoid.unpack(packedBuffer, offset, scratchEllipsoid); offset += Cartesian2.Ellipsoid.packedLength; Cartesian2.Rectangle.unpack(packedBuffer, offset, scratchRectangle); } function packedBatchedIndicesLength(batchedIndices) { var length = batchedIndices.length; var count = 0; for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) { count += Color.Color.packedLength + 3 + batchedIndices[i].batchIds.length; } return count; } function packBuffer(indexDatatype, boundingVolumes, batchedIndices) { var numBVs = boundingVolumes.length; var length = 1 + 1 + numBVs * OrientedBoundingBox.OrientedBoundingBox.packedLength + 1 + packedBatchedIndicesLength(batchedIndices); var packedBuffer = new Float64Array(length); var offset = 0; packedBuffer[offset++] = indexDatatype; packedBuffer[offset++] = numBVs; for (var i = 0; i < numBVs; ++i) { OrientedBoundingBox.OrientedBoundingBox.pack(boundingVolumes[i], packedBuffer, offset); offset += OrientedBoundingBox.OrientedBoundingBox.packedLength; } var indicesLength = batchedIndices.length; packedBuffer[offset++] = indicesLength; for (var j = 0; j < indicesLength; ++j) { var batchedIndex = batchedIndices[j]; Color.Color.pack(batchedIndex.color, packedBuffer, offset); offset += Color.Color.packedLength; packedBuffer[offset++] = batchedIndex.offset; packedBuffer[offset++] = batchedIndex.count; var batchIds = batchedIndex.batchIds; var batchIdsLength = batchIds.length; packedBuffer[offset++] = batchIdsLength; for (var k = 0; k < batchIdsLength; ++k) { packedBuffer[offset++] = batchIds[k]; } } return packedBuffer; } var maxShort = 32767; var scratchEncodedPosition = new Cartographic.Cartesian3(); var scratchNormal = new Cartographic.Cartesian3(); var scratchScaledNormal = new Cartographic.Cartesian3(); var scratchMinHeightPosition = new Cartographic.Cartesian3(); var scratchMaxHeightPosition = new Cartographic.Cartesian3(); var scratchBVCartographic = new Cartographic.Cartographic(); var scratchBVRectangle = new Cartesian2.Rectangle(); function createVectorTilePolygons(parameters, transferableObjects) { unpackBuffer(parameters.packedBuffer); var indices; var indexBytesPerElement = scratchScalars.indexBytesPerElement; if (indexBytesPerElement === 2) { indices = new Uint16Array(parameters.indices); } else { indices = new Uint32Array(parameters.indices); } var positions = new Uint16Array(parameters.positions); var counts = new Uint32Array(parameters.counts); var indexCounts = new Uint32Array(parameters.indexCounts); var batchIds = new Uint32Array(parameters.batchIds); var batchTableColors = new Uint32Array(parameters.batchTableColors); var boundingVolumes = new Array(counts.length); var center = scratchCenter; var ellipsoid = scratchEllipsoid; var rectangle = scratchRectangle; var minHeight = scratchScalars.min; var maxHeight = scratchScalars.max; var minimumHeights = parameters.minimumHeights; var maximumHeights = parameters.maximumHeights; if (when.defined(minimumHeights) && when.defined(maximumHeights)) { minimumHeights = new Float32Array(minimumHeights); maximumHeights = new Float32Array(maximumHeights); } var i; var j; var rgba; var positionsLength = positions.length / 2; var uBuffer = positions.subarray(0, positionsLength); var vBuffer = positions.subarray(positionsLength, 2 * positionsLength); AttributeCompression.AttributeCompression.zigZagDeltaDecode(uBuffer, vBuffer); var decodedPositions = new Float32Array(positionsLength * 3); for (i = 0; i < positionsLength; ++i) { var u = uBuffer[i]; var v = vBuffer[i]; var x = _Math.CesiumMath.lerp(rectangle.west, rectangle.east, u / maxShort); var y = _Math.CesiumMath.lerp(rectangle.south, rectangle.north, v / maxShort); var cart = Cartographic.Cartographic.fromRadians(x, y, 0.0, scratchBVCartographic); var decodedPosition = ellipsoid.cartographicToCartesian(cart, scratchEncodedPosition); Cartographic.Cartesian3.pack(decodedPosition, decodedPositions, i * 3); } var countsLength = counts.length; var offsets = new Array(countsLength); var indexOffsets = new Array(countsLength); var currentOffset = 0; var currentIndexOffset = 0; for (i = 0; i < countsLength; ++i) { offsets[i] = currentOffset; indexOffsets[i] = currentIndexOffset; currentOffset += counts[i]; currentIndexOffset += indexCounts[i]; } var batchedPositions = new Float32Array(positionsLength * 3 * 2); var batchedIds = new Uint16Array(positionsLength * 2); var batchedIndexOffsets = new Uint32Array(indexOffsets.length); var batchedIndexCounts = new Uint32Array(indexCounts.length); var batchedIndices = []; var colorToBuffers = {}; for (i = 0; i < countsLength; ++i) { rgba = batchTableColors[i]; if (!when.defined(colorToBuffers[rgba])) { colorToBuffers[rgba] = { positionLength : counts[i], indexLength : indexCounts[i], offset : 0, indexOffset : 0, batchIds : [i] }; } else { colorToBuffers[rgba].positionLength += counts[i]; colorToBuffers[rgba].indexLength += indexCounts[i]; colorToBuffers[rgba].batchIds.push(i); } } // get the offsets and counts for the positions and indices of each primitive var buffer; var byColorPositionOffset = 0; var byColorIndexOffset = 0; for (rgba in colorToBuffers) { if (colorToBuffers.hasOwnProperty(rgba)) { buffer = colorToBuffers[rgba]; buffer.offset = byColorPositionOffset; buffer.indexOffset = byColorIndexOffset; var positionLength = buffer.positionLength * 2; var indexLength = buffer.indexLength * 2 + buffer.positionLength * 6; byColorPositionOffset += positionLength; byColorIndexOffset += indexLength; buffer.indexLength = indexLength; } } var batchedDrawCalls = []; for (rgba in colorToBuffers) { if (colorToBuffers.hasOwnProperty(rgba)) { buffer = colorToBuffers[rgba]; batchedDrawCalls.push({ color : Color.Color.fromRgba(parseInt(rgba)), offset : buffer.indexOffset, count : buffer.indexLength, batchIds : buffer.batchIds }); } } for (i = 0; i < countsLength; ++i) { rgba = batchTableColors[i]; buffer = colorToBuffers[rgba]; var positionOffset = buffer.offset; var positionIndex = positionOffset * 3; var batchIdIndex = positionOffset; var polygonOffset = offsets[i]; var polygonCount = counts[i]; var batchId = batchIds[i]; var polygonMinimumHeight = minHeight; var polygonMaximumHeight = maxHeight; if (when.defined(minimumHeights) && when.defined(maximumHeights)) { polygonMinimumHeight = minimumHeights[i]; polygonMaximumHeight = maximumHeights[i]; } var minLat = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; var maxLat = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; var minLon = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; var maxLon = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (j = 0; j < polygonCount; ++j) { var position = Cartographic.Cartesian3.unpack(decodedPositions, polygonOffset * 3 + j * 3, scratchEncodedPosition); ellipsoid.scaleToGeodeticSurface(position, position); var carto = ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(position, scratchBVCartographic); var lat = carto.latitude; var lon = carto.longitude; minLat = Math.min(lat, minLat); maxLat = Math.max(lat, maxLat); minLon = Math.min(lon, minLon); maxLon = Math.max(lon, maxLon); var normal = ellipsoid.geodeticSurfaceNormal(position, scratchNormal); var scaledNormal = Cartographic.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(normal, polygonMinimumHeight, scratchScaledNormal); var minHeightPosition = Cartographic.Cartesian3.add(position, scaledNormal, scratchMinHeightPosition); scaledNormal = Cartographic.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(normal, polygonMaximumHeight, scaledNormal); var maxHeightPosition = Cartographic.Cartesian3.add(position, scaledNormal, scratchMaxHeightPosition); Cartographic.Cartesian3.subtract(maxHeightPosition, center, maxHeightPosition); Cartographic.Cartesian3.subtract(minHeightPosition, center, minHeightPosition); Cartographic.Cartesian3.pack(maxHeightPosition, batchedPositions, positionIndex); Cartographic.Cartesian3.pack(minHeightPosition, batchedPositions, positionIndex + 3); batchedIds[batchIdIndex] = batchId; batchedIds[batchIdIndex + 1] = batchId; positionIndex += 6; batchIdIndex += 2; } rectangle = scratchBVRectangle; rectangle.west = minLon; rectangle.east = maxLon; rectangle.south = minLat; rectangle.north = maxLat; boundingVolumes[i] = OrientedBoundingBox.OrientedBoundingBox.fromRectangle(rectangle, minHeight, maxHeight, ellipsoid); var indicesIndex = buffer.indexOffset; var indexOffset = indexOffsets[i]; var indexCount = indexCounts[i]; batchedIndexOffsets[i] = indicesIndex; for (j = 0; j < indexCount; j += 3) { var i0 = indices[indexOffset + j] - polygonOffset; var i1 = indices[indexOffset + j + 1] - polygonOffset; var i2 = indices[indexOffset + j + 2] - polygonOffset; // triangle on the top of the extruded polygon batchedIndices[indicesIndex++] = i0 * 2 + positionOffset; batchedIndices[indicesIndex++] = i1 * 2 + positionOffset; batchedIndices[indicesIndex++] = i2 * 2 + positionOffset; // triangle on the bottom of the extruded polygon batchedIndices[indicesIndex++] = i2 * 2 + 1 + positionOffset; batchedIndices[indicesIndex++] = i1 * 2 + 1 + positionOffset; batchedIndices[indicesIndex++] = i0 * 2 + 1 + positionOffset; } // indices for the walls of the extruded polygon for (j = 0; j < polygonCount; ++j) { var v0 = j; var v1 = (j + 1) % polygonCount; batchedIndices[indicesIndex++] = v0 * 2 + 1 + positionOffset; batchedIndices[indicesIndex++] = v1 * 2 + positionOffset; batchedIndices[indicesIndex++] = v0 * 2 + positionOffset; batchedIndices[indicesIndex++] = v0 * 2 + 1 + positionOffset; batchedIndices[indicesIndex++] = v1 * 2 + 1 + positionOffset; batchedIndices[indicesIndex++] = v1 * 2 + positionOffset; } buffer.offset += polygonCount * 2; buffer.indexOffset = indicesIndex; batchedIndexCounts[i] = indicesIndex - batchedIndexOffsets[i]; } batchedIndices = IndexDatatype.IndexDatatype.createTypedArray(batchedPositions.length / 3, batchedIndices); var batchedIndicesLength = batchedDrawCalls.length; for (var m = 0; m < batchedIndicesLength; ++m) { var tempIds = batchedDrawCalls[m].batchIds; var count = 0; var tempIdsLength = tempIds.length; for (var n = 0; n < tempIdsLength; ++n) { count += batchedIndexCounts[tempIds[n]]; } batchedDrawCalls[m].count = count; } var indexDatatype = (batchedIndices.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT === 2) ? IndexDatatype.IndexDatatype.UNSIGNED_SHORT : IndexDatatype.IndexDatatype.UNSIGNED_INT; var packedBuffer = packBuffer(indexDatatype, boundingVolumes, batchedDrawCalls); transferableObjects.push(batchedPositions.buffer, batchedIndices.buffer, batchedIndexOffsets.buffer, batchedIndexCounts.buffer, batchedIds.buffer, packedBuffer.buffer); return { positions : batchedPositions.buffer, indices : batchedIndices.buffer, indexOffsets : batchedIndexOffsets.buffer, indexCounts : batchedIndexCounts.buffer, batchIds : batchedIds.buffer, packedBuffer : packedBuffer.buffer }; } var createVectorTilePolygons$1 = createTaskProcessorWorker(createVectorTilePolygons); return createVectorTilePolygons$1; });